Thursday, December 13, 2012
Blessed Self
Hari OM! Salutations!
2012 is a very eventful year for the Vrindavan Ashram construction. It was during the very week that the mission sponsored the "Bhagavat Saptah" that Gurudev's grace, working in ways well beyond our comprehension, moved the whole project forward. The devotion and energy of the sevikas and sevaks kept the project well managed, and the discipline of a weekly meeting on Saturday morning ensured that the activities remained well coordinated across various work streams.
During this time, the Ashram designs took final shape, coming to a total of 105 pages of architectural and design consultant drawings, plus a large book of specifications. The process of submitting them to the township for approval was then able to move forward. In parallel, the process of selecting a General Contractor (GC) to build the ashram began. It took almost two months to prepare an RFP which was then sent out to seven GCs, six of which responded with detailed quotations. The process was paired down to three GCs, for which site visits provided a means to evaluate the workmanship and finishing skills of the GCs.
Following that, detailed discussions and negotiations continued with these three parties, and finally on December 2nd, a contract was signed with the selected GC.
At this time, all the necessary permits to start the construction with no further delay are essentially in place, and the Ashram is only days away from conducting a ground breaking ceremony.
As the construction starts, the activities presently conducted in the barn will continue in an alternate facility on site, and the murtis will stay on site, very close to where they will be permanently placed.
The new Vrindavan Ashram in Cranbury NJ will provide a place where spiritual seekers can seek quietude for the study of the scriptures, for contemplation on the divine, and for the exploration of one's inner truth and purpose. It will be a center for Vedantic learning, performing arts, yoga and meditation, among others. The Ashram will be in a serene setting, with a prayer hall, altars and murthis, gardens, library and a meditation hall.
With the Lord's blessings and Gurudev's grace, the Vrindavan Ashram will build a modern facility serving the spiritual need of the community.
The real strength of Chinmaya Mission is the values it provides to all the members as they make progress in their own spiritual journey, and the Vrindavan Ashram will be ready to serve all who come to it.
This project will cost a substantial amount of money and your generous donation towards this great cause will benefit the community at large for many generations to come.
Visit for more details.
With ‘Prem’ and ‘OM,’
Swami Shantananda